Hosting A Hybrid Event: 3 Things To Keep In Mind When Designing Your Event
Posted on: 13 April 2022
As with many aspects of our society, the Covid-19 pandemic has left its mark on the events industry through the rising popularity of hybrid events. If you are not familiar with the concept of hybrid events, these events aim to combine the ability to attend an event in person with the ability to attend this same event from a remote location. While these events originally gained popularity as a way of dealing with pandemic-related restrictions regarding large gatherings, their popularity has continued to soar even as restrictions are lifted. If you are considering a hybrid model for your next big event, there are a few important things that you will need to keep in mind when designing this event.
#1: Online And Onsite Networking
One of the primary reasons that many people attend events is for the opportunity to network with other people. Hybrid events can pose special challenges since you will need to encourage networking among both the in-person and virtual attendees. Choosing an event design that promotes interaction between these two sets of attendees will be essential to your event's success. Choosing to work with a reputable hybrid event design service can play an important role in ensuring you accomplish this goal.
#2: Create A Uniform Look Both At Your Venue And Online
One of the most difficult challenges to overcome when hosting a hybrid event is to create the feeling that in-person guests and virtual guests are actually together at the same event. One of the most effective ways to overcome this challenge is by ensuring that a uniform approach is taken when designing both your onsite and online venues. This should include the use of the same color schemes and branding.
#3: Consider The Optics Both At Home And Onsite
What looks good and engaging in person may not always have this same appearance via an internet connection. For instance, while dim lighting may be much easier on the eyes of people attending your event in person, the lack of proper lighting can make it difficult for the people attending from home to really engage in activities such as guest speakers or other onstage entertainment. This is why it is so important to keep good optics in mind when planning your hybrid event design. If you are not quite sure how a particular design will translate from the onsite audience to the online audience, you will want to complete a test run before committing to this design option.
To learn more, contact a company like AVEX.